The Smiles For Life Foundation is eager to ring in 2023, just like most! However, we know that not everyone around the world has the opportunity to celebrate. Many people in developing nations still need the help of the Crown Council. So, while we are in a celebratory mood, our mission never rests. We want to create a web of empathy between dentists, patients, and charity recipients, and this is something we work on every day of the year.

How do we do this? It’s simple in theory, though complicated in execution. Every year, between the months of March and June, dentist donate their whitening services. Instead of paying for the services, the patients give a donation to Smiles For Life. We go on to use this money to fund humanitarian trips to developing countries to bring them much needed dental health services.

Just like that, your whiter, brighter smile can travel around the world and help somebody else; it is the first step in a chain reaction of empathy that benefits patient, dentist, and beneficiary alike.

This new year, we want to recruit more practices into our alliance. And it’s the perfect time to join up! With only a few months left until the process starts again, it is the perfect time to contact Smiles For Life and become a team member in this charitable endeavor. If you’re a dental practice that wants to become a community leader and contribute to a better world, we are ready to help you succeed!

The Crown Council is a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and serving their communities and children’s charities.