
Children’s charities

Smiles For Life: Just Wait ’til Next Year!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign

The Smiles For Life Foundation has been raising money to benefit children’s charities for more than twenty years. The latest campaign wrapped up at the end of June, but it’s never too soon to start thinking about next year.

Smiles for Life uses teeth whitening to help children's charitiesSmiles For Life has raised more than forty million dollars since it began in 1998. It’s one of those ideas that is beautiful in its simplicity: participating Crown Council dentists all over the United States and Canada offer special teeth whitening services from March through June. Instead of paying the dentist, you pay the Smiles For Life Foundation. Half of that payment goes to the Foundation, while the other half goes to a local charity of the dentist’s choosing.

The payment may be split fifty-fifty, but 100% of it benefits needy children all over the world.

The program could not succeed without the participation of Ultradent. Ultradent donates all of the whitening supplies, and is a maker of professional-grade teeth whitening products used by dentists everywhere.

Did you miss out this year? We’re sorry for that! But rest assured, the wildly successful Smiles For Life program will be back in 2020, whitening teeth and raising money for the worthiest of causes, children who are seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged.

The Smiles For Life Foundation is the children’s charity arm of the Crown Council, an alliance of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities through charitable work.




Success! Smiles For Life 2019

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign

We did it! Smiles For Life has completed another successful campaign to raise money for disadvantaged children all over the world – and we couldn’t have done it without you.

The 2019 Smiles For Life Campaign began on March 1. That’s only four months ago, but the time just shot by. Thousands of ordinary people took part in the campaign. The tally for  this year isn’t in yet, but we’ve raised more than forty million dollars since 1998. Every last penny has benefitted hundreds of children’s charities.

“This is only possible thanks to the passion and dedication of our volunteer dentists and the wide range of Opalescence whitening products that Ultradent provides each year,” said Greg Anderson, director of the Crown Council in Salt Lake City. Each year, he explained, Ultradent donates teeth whitening products used in Smiles For Life.

And those dentists? Crown Council dentists use those Ultradent products to professionally whiten teeth for Smiles For Life. Hundreds of practices across the United States and Canada take part. Instead of paying the dentist, their patients make a check out to the Smiles For Life Foundation, which distributes the funds to approved children’s charities like Feed the Children, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and the Ronald McDonald House. And that’s just to name a few.

Smiles for Life; whiten teeth to help a children's charity of your choiceWe would like to extend a warm thank-you to everyone who took part by having their teeth professionally whitened during the 2019 Smiles For Life Campaign.

The Smiles For Life Foundation is the children’s charity arm of the Crown Council, an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities through charitable work.

Helping Kids and Improving Smiles

By | Children's charities, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

Imagine being able to do  something to benefit needy children all over the world, while improving your smile at the same time. By taking part in the Smiles For Life campaign, you can do just that!

If you haven’t heard, Smiles For Life is the charity arm of the Crown Council, an alliance of dentists committed to professional excellence and community service. All you have to do to participate is schedule teeth whitening at a participating Crown Council dentist office.

Instead of paying the dentist, you pay the Smiles For Life Foundation. Half of that payment will go to a local charity. That’s all there is to it.

Sound easy? It is! Now in its twenty-first year, Smiles For Life has raised more than forty million dollars since 1998. Hundreds of children’s charities have benefited, including St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Feed the Children, and the Ronald McDonald House.

“100% of the money goes straight to the kids,” said country music star Garth Brooks, whose Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation is among the charities to benefit.

The 2019 Smiles For Life campaign began in March and runs through June. Hundreds of dental practices in the United States and Canada are taking part. The teeth whitening supplies are all donated by Ultradent, the maker of professional-grade teeth whitening products used by dentists everywhere.

To find a participating Smiles For Life dentist near you, please follow this link.

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities through charitable work like Smiles for Life.

Smiles For Life: Improving Children’s Lives

By | Children's charities, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

The Smiles For Life campaign is one of the great win-win situations of our time, and it is in full swing from now until the end of June.

Smiles for Life, one of many reputable children's charities.By taking part in Smiles For Life, you get a brilliant, professionally-whitened smile, and at the same time help disadvantaged children all over the world. 2019 marks its twenty-first year.

Smiles For Life is the charity arm of the Crown Council. Since launching in 1998, it has raised more than forty million dollars.

It works like this: your schedule a teeth whitening appointment with a participating Crown Council dentist. Instead of paying the dentist, you write a check to the Smiles For Life Foundation. Half of the payment goes to the dentist’s local charity partner, and the rest goes to Smiles For Life.

The whitening services are offered at substantially reduced prices. “It’s a unique opportunity to improve the lives of disadvantaged children, while also enhancing your own smile,” said Crown Council director Greg Anderson. All of the whitening products used in Smiles For Life, he added, are donated by Ultradent. “The Ultradent team has worked really hard to earn its reputation as the nation’s premier tooth whitening company.”

Smiles For Life supports dental programs that benefit economically disadvantaged kids all over the world. Hundreds of Crown Council dentists in the United States and Canada are taking part.

To find a participating Smiles For Life dentist near you, please follow this link.

If you have any difficulty finding a participating Crown Council Dentist, please call Smiles For Life at:


We will help locate a participating dental practice in your area.

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities through charitable work like Smiles for Life.

Smiles for Life 2019!

By | Children's charities, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

Mark your calendar: Friday, March 1 kicks off the 2019 edition of the Smiles for Life campaign, which runs through June. Hundreds of elite dentists across the United States and Canada lend their teeth whitening skills to raise money for needy children all over the world.

“Smiles for Life works very simply,” said Greg Anderson, the head of Crown Council, which operates the campaign. “Ultradent provides the whitening material. [Participating dentists] provide the professional service. The patient directly contributes to the Smiles for Life Foundation for the cost of the whitening, either by check or by credit card.”

Smiles for Life has raised more than forty million dollars since it began in 1998. All of the funds directly benefit hundreds of children’s charities, helping kids who are underprivileged, seriously ill, or disabled. Participating charities include St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and Feed the Children.

Smiles for Life, one of many reputable children's charities.“The really cool part?” said singer-songwriter Garth Brooks, whose Teammates for Kids Foundation also participates. “100% of the money goes straight to the kids.”

“We have two great partners with Smiles for Life,” Greg Anderson said. “One is Ultradent,” the global dental manufacturing company. “Ultradent provides us with whitening material for absolutely no cost.” The second partner, he continued, is My Social Practice, an award-winning social media strategy firm. “They donate all of the design of all of the marketing materials for the campaign.”

Participating dental practices throughout North America, all of them Crown Council members, donate their teeth whitening services. Follow this link to find a participating Smiles For Life dentist near you.

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities through Smiles for Life.


Happy New Year, from Smiles for Life!

By | Children's charities, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

Happy New Year, from Smiles For Life!

Excitement here is growing: the 2019 Smiles For Life fundraising campaign is now just a few months away. We are confident we will equal or surpass last year’s total – thanks to the generosity of participating Crown Council dental practices across the United States and Canada, and to you.

Each year, beginning in March and running through June, hundreds of dental practices professionally whiten teeth in order to raise money. The funds go to seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged kids all over the world.

Here’s how it works: participating dentists offer their patients professional teeth bleaching at greatly reduced prices. Payments are made not to the dentist, but directly to the Smiles For Life Foudation. Half of each payment goes to a local children’s charity chosen by the dentist, and the other half goes a children’s charity approved by Smiles For Life.

That’s all there is to it! It doesn’t get much simpler. Since it began in 1998, Smiles For Life has raised more than forty million dollars for children’s charities.

Smiles For Life has also sponsored teams of dentists visiting developing countries to provide dental care. “At the end of the day,” one of them observed, “it’s really not about how many teeth you fix … it’s about the people that you put your arm around, and let them know that we’re all God’s children.”

Participating dental practices throughout North America, all of them Crown Council members, donate their teeth whitening services. Supplies are donated by longtime Smiles for Life supporter Ultradent, the maker of Opalescence teeth whitening gels.

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities through Smiles for Life.

Something We Can Share

By | Children's charities, Humanitarian Trips, Tooth Whitening

Since its inception, Smiles for Life has raised more than forty million dollars through its teeth whitening fundraiser. Every last penny of goes to the Smiles for Life Foundation, which aids children’s charities throughout the world. Have you ever wondered how it’s spent?

Some of it has supported field work in the Dominican Republic, where teams of volunteer dentists travel to work on the teeth of the people living there. Smiles for Life partnered with the humanitarian organization Esperanza on a trip in early 2018. But dental team volunteers say that simply focusing on the teeth they fix is missing the point.

“It’s not just a service,” one of them said. “It’s providing love, and a connection to the people.”

Nearly half of the people in the Dominican Republic lives on less than four dollars a day. Along with Esperanza, the goal of Smiles for Life volunteers is restoring hope and dignity.

“It’s about doing what you can with what you’ve got, and doing good,” a Smiles for Life volunteer said, during the 2018 visit. “So we’re extremely grateful to be here. And honestly, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life. And we’re excited to continue to contribute and to participate in these trips.”

“The most rewarding part about what we do here is the smiles on the faces of the people that look in the mirror when we finish their dental work,” said another. “It honestly is not about the teeth.”

The teeth whitening campaign takes place every year from March through June. Participating dental practices in the United States and Canada, all of them Crown Council members, donate their services to teeth whitening patients. Supplies for the campaign are donated by longtime Smiles for Life supporter Ultradent, the maker of Opalescence teeth whitening gels.

“It’s really not about how many teeth you fix in a day,” one of the Dominican Republic volunteers reflected. “It’s about the people that you put your arm around, and let them know that we’re all God’s children. And the reason why we’re here is because we have something that we can share.”

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities through Smiles for Life.