The Crown Council’s Smiles For Life children’s charity has raised many millions of dollars in the more than two decades it has been active. We usually describe the distribution of that money in general terms: it goes to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and Garth Brooks’ Teammates for Kids, among others.

But the money also helps to support humanitarian trips to developing countries like the Dominican Republic. Participating dentists volunteer their skills to help improve the dental health of the people living there.

One of the dentists who took part described it this way: “It’s important, whatever your gift is, to share it, and participate, and contribute.”

Smiles For Life raises money through its annual Smiles For Life teeth whitening campaign. From March through June, dentists across the United States and Canada whiten the teeth of their patients. Instead of paying the dentist, though, the patients make a contribution to Smiles For Life, which in turn distributes the money to worthy children’s charities.

Interested dentists can find out how to take part. Please visit the Smiles For Life Facebook page to help spread the word!

The Crown Council is a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.