
Smiles For Life campaign

Smiles For Life Helps Your Practice Grow!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign

The Smiles For Life campaign is focused primarily on helping kids in need. Thousands of dentists in the United States and Canada take part every year, donating their time and talent to whiten the smiles of their patients for free. The patients, in turn, make a charitable donation to Smiles For Life.

That is as it should be. But when dentists are doing it right, their Smiles For Life patients can become patients for life.

“If you’re not careful, you’ll be tempted to treat Smiles For Life patients like they’re different from a new patient,” says Smiles For Life co-founder Steven J.Anderson.

That, he says, can be a trap. He recommends treating these patients like you expect them to be there for the long haul. Get to know each one, along with their dental health goals. Afterward, invite them to post pictures of their new, whitened smiles to social media, and to tag your office.

These are just a few of his suggestions. The bottom line? “Make a friend, and make a patient for life.”

The best thing about the Smiles For Life campaign is that it helps kids in need. It has raised more than forty million dollars and supports the Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation, Feed the Children, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House, and many others.

Smiles For Life runs each year from from March through June. Interested dentists can find out more about Smiles For Life participation. Please visit the Smiles For Life Facebook page to help spread the word!

The Crown Council is a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life and Ultradent

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

Smiles For Life is the annual campaign to raise money for the benefit of children’s charities. It has raised more than forty-four million dollars since launching back in 1998.

Smiles for Life uses teeth whitening to help children's charitiesThe campaign relies on the teeth whitening skills of dentists all arcoss the United States and Canada. They donate their time to whiten the teeth of their patients. Instead of paying the dentist,  the patients make a donation to Smiles For Life.

It’s the brainchild of the Crown Council, but it would not be possible without teeth whitening kits from Ultradent, a global dental manufacturing company. “One thing I would like to say about Ultradent,” said Crown Council Managing Director Greg Anderson. “Remember that they give us these kits absolutely free.”

Ultradent’s whitening products include Opalescence™ Boost™ in-office power whitener, Opalescence Go™ prefilled whitening trays, and Opalescence™ PF tooth whitening which is used in custom-made trays.

The money raised by Smiles For Life supports the Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation, Feed the Children, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House, and many more.

Smiles For Life runs each from from March through June. Interested dentists can find out more about Smiles For Life participation. Please visit the Smiles For Life Facebook page to help spread the word!

The Crown Council is a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life: A Marvel of Simplicity

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign

There’s still time to take advantage of the professional teeth whitening offered through the Crown Council’s annual Smiles For Life campaign!

Smiles For Life is an annual fundraiser that has raised some forty million dollars for children’s charities since it began more than twenty years ago. The campaign begins every March and runs through the end of June.

It’s a marvel of simplicity. Participating dentists provide the professional whitening service and the patient contributes the value of the whitening directly to the Smiles For Life Foundation, not the practice. Every penny raised goes to participating children’s charities, including St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Garth Brooks’ Teammates for Kids Foundation, and many others.

Hundreds of dental practics in the United States and Canada take part in Smiles For Life every year. Their participation makes all the difference.

Equally important is Ultradent, the maker of Boost in-office whitening and Opalescence® take-home trays. Ultradent provides thousands of special teeth whitening kits to the campaign, free of charge. “We are so grateful to Ultradent for all that they do to make the campaign possible,” said Crown Council Managing Director Greg Anderson.

Interested dentists are encouraged to find out more about Smiles For Life participation. To get your with whitened please follow this link to find a participating Crown Council dentist near you. We also invite you to visit the Smiles For Life Facebook page to help spread the word!

The Crown Council is a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life: Full Steam Ahead!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening, Ultradent

The 2021 edition of  Smiles For Life campaign is underway! From now through June, hundreds of Crown Council dentists throughout North America will be whitening teeth to raise money to benefit children’s charities.

The last twelve months has been a year like no other. But we are focused on right now, and forging full steam ahead!

“Smiles for Life,” says Crown Council Managing Director Greg Anderson, “is one of the most successful and long-lasting and unique charitable campaigns in all of dentistry – now well into its third decade.”

Since it began in 1998, Smiles For Life has raised some forty-five million dollars for children’s charities. Participating dentists offer teeth whitening services, but instead of paying the dentist, patients contribute directly to the Smiles For Life Foundation. The Foundation, in turn, distributes the money to charities like St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, the Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation, and many others.

Dentists are supplied with everything they need at no cost, thanks to Ultradent, the maker of Opalescence and other whitening products. “They not only donate all of the whitening kits,” Greg Anderson explained. “They donate all of the costs of getting those to” participating dentists, as well as promotional materials.

Anyone can find a participating dentist by following this link. You can also help to spread the word by paying a visit to the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life: Can You Feel The Excitement?

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening, Ultradent

This year’s Smiles For Life campaign is about to begin! Can you feel the excitement yet? The annual teeth whitening campaign that raises money for children’s charities begins on March first and runs through June.

Hundreds of dental practices across the United States and Canada take part in Smiles For Life by offering specials on teeth whitening. But instead of paying the dentist, the patient makes a donation to the Smiles For Life foundation, which in turn gives it to a children’s charity.

The Smiles For Life campaign is a unique opportunity to do some good in the world. But it can help grow your dental practice, too. Many of those coming in for teeth whitening will be first-time visitors. It’s a great way to convert them into regular patients.

“Their first experience with your practice is through a project that you’re joining together to do good,” said a Smiles For Life spokesman. “Not a bad way to start a relationship!”

All of the whitening materials are donated by Ultradent, the makers of Boost in-office whitening and Opalescence® take-home trays.

Smiles For Life has raised many millions of dollars since it began more than twenty years ago. To get involved, dentists can use a convenient sign-up form. Interested patients can find a participating dentist by following this link. You can also help to spread the word by paying a visit to the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, a prestigious alliance of dental professionals committed to dental excellence, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life: Incredible Experiences!

By | Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

There may be no better way to serve your community and your patients at the same time, than the Smiles For Life campaign. The 2021 edition will be here before you know it, and the time to start planning is now!

Smiles for Life uses teeth whitening to help children's charitiesSmiles For Life runs each year from March 1 to June 30. The proceeds benefit children’s charities. It has raised many millions of dollars over the years!

It works like this: Ultradent, the maker of Opalescence teeth whitening products and other dental materials, donates whitening materials free of charge. Participating dentists use them to whiten the smiles of their patients. But instead of paying the dentist, their payment goes directly to the Smiles For Life Foundation.

Smiles for Life; whiten teeth to help a children's charity of your choice“Over the years we’ve witnessed incredible experiences unfold for many practices, patients, team members, and many worthy children’s charities,” a Smiles For Life spokesman said. “And it’s a great way to market your dental practice!”

Participating dentists receive everything they need in a big box filled with ready-to-use promotional materials. It’s all designed to generate excitement within your practice, and in your community. The money raised is distributed to such charities as Feed the Children, Ronald McDonald House, and many others.

Interested dentists can use a convenient sign-up form, and patients can find a participating dentist by following this link. You can also help to spread the word by paying a visit to the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, an association of dental professionals committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Smiles For Life: Shout Out to Ultradent!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Ultradent

The next Smiles ForLife campaign begins in just a few months. The twenty-second edition of the Crown Council’s flagship charity starts on March 1, 2021, and runs through June.

Since 1998, Smiles For Life has raised tens of millions of dollars for children’s charities all over the world. It works thanks to the tireless efforts of hundreds of dental practices all over the United States and Canada. But it wouldn’t be possible without Ultradent, a global dental manufacturing company that provides teeth whitening products to participating dentists, free of charge.

“The Ultradent team has worked really hard to earn its reputation as the nation’s premier tooth whitening company,” says Greg Anderson, director of the Crown Council.

Ultradent's Opalescence tooth whitening systems help make Smiles for Life happen!Ultradent donates Opalesence whitening products, which participating dentists use to whiten the teeth of the patients taking part. Instead of paying the dentist, the patient makes a donation directly to the Smiles For Life campaign.

100% of every payment goes to children’s charities: half to a charity the dentist chooses, and half to Smiles For Life. Smiles For Life in turn distributes the funds to charities like St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and many others.

Dentists who would like to take part in the 2021 campaign can use this convenient sign-up form. Patients can find a participating dentist by following this link. You can also help reach a wider audience by visiting the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

Smiles For Life is an amazing opportunity to help needy kids, and improve your smile at the same time. It wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of Ultradent.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, an alliance of dental professionals committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and serving their communities and children’s charities.

It’s Never Too Soon! Smiles For Life, 2021

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign

The 2021 Smiles For Life campaign is still months away, but it’s never too soon to prepare for it.

Smiles For Life, if you haven’t heard, is an annual charity event sponsored by the Crown Council. Participating dentists in the United States and Canada offer special teeth whitening services, and the money they raise goes directly to Smiles For Life.

“Smiles for Life works very simply,” Crown Council director Greg Anderson explained to participating dentists. “Ultradent provides the whitening material. You provide the professional service. The patient directly contributes to the Smiles for Life Foundation for the cost of the whitening.”

Ultradent is the maker of Boost in-office teeth whitening and Opalescence® take-home trays. The results they deliver are fantastic!

Smiles For Life has raised more than forty million dollars since it began in 1998. All of it benefits hundreds of children’s charities.

The next Smiles For Life campaign begins on March 1, 2021, and runs through June. If you are a dentist who would like to take part, please use this convenient sign-up form. Patients can find a participating dentist by following this link. You can also help spread the word by paying a visit to the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, an association of dental professionals committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.

Helping Kids With Smiles For Life!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

This year’s edition of the Smiles For Life program is underway!

From now through June, participating dentists in the United States and Canada are offering teeth whitening services in exchange for a donation to Smiles For Life. The money that they raise is distributed to hundreds of children’s charities.

A veteran Smiles For Life dentist explained how it all works: “Your practice donates the time. Peoples’ smiles are professionally whitened, and 100% of the patients’ contributions goes directly to kids in need, both in your own community and around the world.” If you’re a Crown Council dentist and would like to be a part of the effort, signing up is quick and easy!

The children’s charities receiving the funds have all been approved by Smiles For Life. They include St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and the Garth Brooks Teammates for Kids Foundation.

Teeth whitening supplies are all donated by Ultradent, the maker of Boost and Opalesence whitening products.

Sound pretty good? To find a participating Smiles For Life dentist near you, just follow this link. You can also help to spread the word by paying a visit to the Smiles For Life Facebook page.

The Smiles for Life Foundation is the charity arm of the Crown Council, an association of dental professionals committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities.


Smiles For Life: A Sure Sign of Spring!

By | Children's charities, Crown Council, Smiles For Life campaign, Tooth Whitening

It’s one of the surest signs of spring: the annual Smiles For Life campaign! The 2020 edition of the event is about to begin. People all across the United States and Canada can get their teeth professionally whitenened, and help out a worthy cause at the same time.

The Smiles For Life campaign is the charity arm of the Crown Council, and it runs from March through June every year. The money that is raised is for seriously ill, disabled, and underpriveged children all over the world. Millions have been raised in the last twenty years.

Participating dental practices throughout North America whiten the teeth of their patients. Instead of paying the dentist, they pay the Smiles For Life Foundation. Half of that payment will go to a local children’s charity that the dentist chooses. The rest of it goes to Smiles For Life.

Sound like a pretty good deal? We think so! Follow this link to find a participating Smiles For Life dentist near you.

All of the teeth whitening supplies are donated by Ultradent, the maker of Boost and Opalesence whitening products.

Crown Council is an association of dental professionals who are committed to promoting oral health, fighting oral cancer, and to serving their communities and children’s charities through Smiles for Life.